What are the Different Retail Store Types?

Retail store formats can vary widely depending on what you sell and who you sell to. Learn the different retail store types in this brief overview….

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Real-Life Applications of the Four Pillars of Customer Engagement [Part 2]

It’s an exciting time for brick-and-mortar stores. As the whole retail experience evolves, large companies are beginning to recognize the benefits of the “town center” concept. Based on…

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The Four Pillars of Experiential Retail [Part 1]

In recent years, thousands of brick-and-mortar shops have closed. Is the end of the line for traditional retail near? It’s easy to get caught up in doomsday scenarios,…

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The Ultimate Guide to Designing an Engaging Retail Store Layout

Learn the most effective ways to design a retail layout that enhances the customer shopping experience….

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Worksheet: Project Scope

What is a project scope? A project scope is a way to set boundaries on your project and define exactly what goals, deadlines, and project deliverables you’ll be…

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How to Use Impulse Displays: A Guide for Store Planners

Webster’s dictionary defines impulse as “a sudden, spontaneous inclination or incitement to perform a usually unpremeditated action.” As humans, we tend to plan our actions, purchases, and decisions….

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General Merchandise

The Effect of Assortment Creep On Retail Stores

A healthy inventory is always a good thing, right? Yes, but only when it doesn’t lead to assortment creep. Assortment creep is the slow, steady, and almost imperceptible…

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Broken Retail: Clearance Tables

The words “clearance sale” to a retailer usually mean it’s time to balance inventory, promotions, and prices to maintain profit levels. However, too often we see a clearance…

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Broken Retail: Block & Board

Everyone loves a good DIY project. But is it wise to rely on this strategy when determining the types of displays you will use in your retail layout? More times than not DIY displays end up posing a danger to customers and can weaken a store’s brand….

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How to Win Big with a Zone Layout Strategy

A zone layout strategy aims to identify areas of the store by how it will be utilized seasonally. Let’s dive in and learn more about each zone type and how to transition these spaces throughout the year effectively. …

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