Retail Layout vs Retail Design: What’s the Difference?

Retail layout and retail design are often used interchangeably. Here’s why the differences matter and how they work together to create the in-store experience….

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7 Store Layout Mistakes Retailers are Making

Is your store layout too confusing for shoppers? Learn where retailers go wrong — These 7 mistakes are easy to make, and also easy to fix….

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Why Customer Flow Matters in Store Design

Retailers that design their stores with customer flow in mind have a stronger chance to grow sales and build loyalty. Here’s why it matters….

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What are the Different Retail Store Types?

Retail store formats can vary widely depending on what you sell and who you sell to. Learn the different retail store types in this brief overview….

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The Ultimate Guide to Designing an Engaging Retail Store Layout

Learn the most effective ways to design a retail layout that enhances the customer shopping experience….

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Worksheet: Project Scope

What is a project scope? A project scope is a way to set boundaries on your project and define exactly what goals, deadlines, and project deliverables you’ll be…

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How to Win Big with a Zone Layout Strategy

A zone layout strategy aims to identify areas of the store by how it will be utilized seasonally. Let’s dive in and learn more about each zone type and how to transition these spaces throughout the year effectively. …

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3 Rules to Maximize Your Layout Design

When it comes to your store or garden center, there’s no denying the role that retail design and layout play in terms of success. Although many shoppers have…

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How to Utilize Your Vestibule Space More Effectively

The vestibule area of your store is your first opportunity to welcome your guests as they enter. We usually see retailers simply place bulk pallets in this space…

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Our Layout & Design Process from a Retailers Perspective

From the front porch to power aisles to large destination garden centers, our Design Lab team is dedicated to helping our clients create a space that is functional, engaging, and organized. Let’s take a closer look at a garden center owner who tells of her experience working with us through our design process….

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