Setup Your Retail Space for Social Distancing

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With stay-at-home orders mostly behind us, the social distancing requirement of a 6-foot perimeter between everyone is still a continuing reality. This may mean that retailers will need to reevaluate how their fixtures are set up for selling to the general public. With many retailer floorplans equipped to pack as much product into a space as possible, many displays end up in close proximity to each other. Hence limiting shoppers’ ability to maintain a safe distance from others. 

Here are three tips for reimagining your retail space to maximize space and provide enough space for social distancing.

Use Smaller Displays

Our 3-foot or 5-foot long displays can better help stagger products and provide ample space in between each shopping area.

Use Tiered Displays

A display with multiple levels allows you to get out more product. It also makes it easier to shop and limits the need to touch or handle products before selecting the one a shopper wants to buy.

Use Focal Displays

Focal displays are perfect for pairing items that go together. Not only will you help inspire your shoppers, but you’ll also potentially cut down on them needing to trek the entire store for a single project.

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